Historical Documents
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Historical Maltby decendent DataBase by my parents, Ray and Betty Maltby
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The information contained on these web pages are for entertainment
only and should not be consided legal or binding in any way.
The information contained within should be considered family privite use only
and only used in the context of genealogy hobby activities.
Names, dates and relationships are only represented here as
estimates of potential or uncovered archived records and should not be used
in any official capacity. This is intended only for the
enjoyment of the immediate or extended family so that
our youth can enjoy knowing a little bit of their heritage
and relationship to many great historical family members.
This page is maintained by Harry Maltby. Note: I am not a genealogist, I just enjoy helping those that want to be, where I can.
Email Harry and MaryAnn
Do you have comments or suggestions? I would like to hear from you.

Updated Unpublished Manuscript - with your help by Harry Maltby (inwork)